We’re equipping geriatrics professionals with the best practices they need.

Geriatrics is an increasingly challenging field of practice. Geriatric training is lacking across many disciplines. Few nurses or physicians have adequate training in geriatrics. This program will equip you with new best practices that are aimed at helping you become more confident and competent in your care for seniors. The Geriatric Certificate Program will build on your existing professional educational and professional qualifications with the purpose of adding new knowledge and skills to your educational portfolio. Upon graduation you will be equipped with new knowledge and evidence-based innovative approaches that have proven to advance best practices in geriatric care. Many of the courses that are part of the GCP are supported in the Behavioural Education and Training Supports Inventory (BETSI), a comprehensive decision makng framework and program inventory that will strengthen the capacity of planners to choose the most appropriate of education programs and electively support the application of new knowledge into practice.

The Geriatric Certificate Program consists of educational programming that is aimed at improving quality of care for our aging population. The Program consists of core educational courses/workshops that are already being delivered across the provinces as well as a number of courses/workshops that are specific to this program. The required courses are in high demand, have a track record of outstanding evaluations and well-developed curriculums that clearly link knowledge to practice.