Introduction to Seniors Mental Health 740

$1167+added fee
2 hours/week for 12 weeks

Introduction to Seniors Mental Health is a combination of selected topics including; Stigma & Ageism, Depression and Suicide Risk, Anxiety Disorder, Psychosis and risk management, Addictions, Dementia with a focus on Care giver burden, Legal concerns including Capacity, consent, SDM, role/scope of POS, role of CCAC/LTC. The second portion of the course focuses on the development of communications skills, self-awareness, therapeutic relationships and becoming a skilled helper.

  • Definition of Mental Health, Stigma of Mental Health, and Ageism in Older Adult.
  • Psychosis in the Older Adult, Assessment and management of Risk, Overview of the MHA, Legal system, community support-COAST-BSO, Crisis intervention.
  • Diagnosis, Treatment options, Care giver Burden, Latent Grief, Communication strategies with families.
  • Overview of Substance Misuse; prevalence, assessment, potential treatment options, strategies for change, Role of Motivational Interviewing.
  • Depression in the older Adult; risk factors, suicide assessment and management.
  • Anxiety Disorders: Treatment-pharmacology and non-pharmacology.
  • Review of Legal frameworks (SDM, HCCA, Consent & Capacity Board), what to do when there is conflict.
  • Introduction to the Helping Relationship Basics of Communication-Active.
  • Listening, empathy.
  • The Art of Probing, Challenging Skills.
  • Stages and Tasks of Helping